Campaign Manager 360, formerly just Campaign Manager, is part of the Google Marketing Platform. As one of the few licensed Google partner agencies for Campaign Manager 360, we will introduce you to the functionality and benefits in this area of ad management.
Campaign Manager 360 is a web-based system for ad placement. Advertisers or agencies can use the application. The aim of the application is to facilitate the management of digital campaigns for websites as well as mobile devices.
With this application, Google wants to focus on providing a standalone ad server as well as a measurement tool, which are independent of the media buying tool.
Campaign Manager thus provides comprehensive ad delivery, targeting, review, and reporting capabilities.
What is possible with the use of Campaign Manager 360?
The functions are divided into three areas: Trafficking, Reporting and Verification.
The trafficking feature allows you to manage your creatives as well as run campaigns. Google gives various help, for example, how to manage your campaigns or how to take your first steps in setting up campaigns, creatives or ads.
With the report generation, you can call up the respective data that was recorded or tracked via Campaign Manager 360. Here, the data is grouped for you and prepared accordingly. You get an overview of campaign performance and can set up custom reports. In addition, within the report creation area, you will receive information on user interaction paths as well as a detailed record of the role of the individual channels and their conversions.
The “Review” section provides information on how ad impressions work as a whole.
Campaign Manager 360 benefits at a glance:
- Creating individual media plans
- Managing and uploading your Creatives
- Setting delivery rules for your ads
- Managing your campaigns
- Simple, centralized campaign management and global reporting
Ready? Set. Go! Start with Campaign Manager 360
With Campaign Manager 360, Google offers its users a comprehensive platform on which media, combined with other Google products, can be planned, analyzed, optimized and improved in their user-friendliness.
Do you have questions about Google Campaign Manager 360? We will be happy to help you. You want to start directly? Then contact us now!