If you want to improve your online marketing, have sufficient internal resources and want to build up additional know-how, we can also support you in a consulting capacity.
Before we start consulting, we discuss your business goals with you and analyze your online business in detail to derive a suitable online marketing strategy. In doing so, we check the ACTUAL status of your measures and find the appropriate areas for addressing your relevant target group online.
From the results of the analysis, we determine the recommended online marketing channels, which are prioritized in a project plan.
From this point on, we support you in an advisory capacity with the operational implementation and the reporting, which is discussed at continuous intervals for additional performance measurement. We always keep an eye on the overall performance marketing strategy.
What options are there for consulting?
One possible option for a consulting project is an hourly contingent that you can access flexibly, whenever you need help.
Likewise, one-time consulting based on an audit is also possible.
Ultimately, we focus on your needs and find the right solution for your situation. Just get in touch with us.