With the website monitor we ensure that your website does not go offline unnoticed and thus detect problems with the provider or web server in time. For this we check the website status in regular intervals and are informed in case of malfunctions.

In case of critical problems we will inform you and look for the best solution with the provider on your behalf.
The website monitoring is a part of our maintenance package, which also includes automatic updates of the CMS, all plugins and the backups. With the complete package we make sure that your website is as protected as possible from attacks and that in case of any kind of failure a quick solution is possible.
This way you will be back online as soon as possible in case of an emergency, especially since in most cases providers do not inform about downtimes or inform very late and we can always fall back on working versions in case of severe problems with your website.
We would be happy to give you more information about this additional protection, which has already helped other customers. Please do not hesitate to contact us.