Very important for our work is the creation of a serious and professional looking website. In the online market, websites are often the direct contact with the customer and therefore it is necessary that they are always accessible and that all relevant functions are flawless.
In this post we will explain step by step how to create and edit them. The system we use most often and can highly recommend is WordPress. However, you should leave yourself enough time for the installation. How exactly that goes, we show you in this post.
1. Step
In order to be able to use and download WordPress, a hosting package or server with a suitable domain must be available on the PC. If this is not yet the case, you should inform yourself and compare the different hosting providers. If you plan to do the steps, including the creation of the domain at the same time, it may happen that the domain is not yet discoverable. Usually it takes some time, here you just have to wait!
2. Step
To start with everything, we need to set up an SSL certificate. For this, you log in to the server you have chosen. To briefly explain what you need this for; It is important to make sure that there is a protocol between the customer (user) and the server that encrypts the important data. If you now click on “Package Management”, you enter your domain (example: hello-performance.de). Now you set the three checkmarks below and you are secured!
3. Step
To store and manage the information. To create it, you need to enter a comment, database name, user and password. It is recommended to specify your domain in the comment field, so you always know which domain is assigned to which database. If you have chosen variables for the rest, be sure to save them externally.
4. Step
Now it’s getting serious! You can now easily download WordPress from https://de.wordpress.org/. It opens the downloaded wp-config.php ZIP WordPress file, which must first be unzipped to access it. Once that is done, look for the wp-config-sample.php file in the folder. This must be renamed to wp-config.php. When you open it, it is best to do so with a text editor of your choice, in which really only the text can be edited. All other programs, which you use otherwise, could lead to programming errors.
Now we need the data you selected in step 3.
Once this is done, the security key must be adjusted, to do this replace what is in bold here with the variables below.
define('AUTH_KEY', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein') define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('AUTH_SALT', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'Füge hier deine Zeichenkette ein'); define('AUTH_KEY', ':]#IcH&ei3`nX0$!Vs[Xr{,WGk`++3-tJOEVFoX(loroR@L?#hJ$imjyP.9@Rcr3'); define('SECURE_AUTH_KEY', 'A[*-ja[l}Ev/tr7hHk0+H&@W}EaldSr]!K&,&AE6m`feB*.L/!-_2y=N, koOE3}'); define('LOGGED_IN_KEY', 'F&Q:v_h5RP*MrU3:r_+/ikwo7g26LMa` trUt-2C#%$b3+KZt><^7r9u?6]-]h&v'); define('NONCE_KEY', 'qZ~0-n;m_|}i_E9*^J*8QP#gMkL480=8<U;tJ; ? /d5*/1?}lvCZ~Fr4$ZA8x6-'); define('AUTH_SALT', 'e)2s(|g7`*kp7kj:(LI>QVH+mvG%~OSJ9,G|Ov;Z[Gh{F6((vL40I&Ap&^dN{8+/'); define('SECURE_AUTH_SALT', '+v6i6[d=k~kV#+-eo+bo<b%oDZ@!<s/|.>x-B< =eDcGz|e6@]%eRON`?!uP2|SF'); define('LOGGED_IN_SALT', '!9=+es):!P-_Q;:mI.E[_yp[|xa]C6r-;s^wzVlCK6.F2dVyV`wot<@m[Z(zU>Po'); define('NONCE_SALT', 'v0IW.Xe{:iROv@AX3S] ;7gq-k9S3`&<|{||_b^+}+I515(I~)[ qo56OkFZ_%(x');
For increased security the WordPress database table prefix should be changed at the same time. For now it should look like this: $table_prefix = ‘wp_’. The combination you choose must consist of upper/lower case letters, numbers anyway. The underscore at the end must not be forgotten.
According to this it could look like this $table_prefix = ‘Gjzg77T_’.
5. Step
After that the wordpress files will be uploaded to your server. In the contract overview of your server, the data such as server/username and a password should be specified, the password you should change before use. Once you have your server data, download FileZilla client. Then open your server manager and enter a new connection. Now you have to enter the data from step 3 again. Then enter connection type normal and click on connect. When the root directory opens, you will find a directory similar to your domain. On it is a file with the name index.html (or similar). To upload WordPress you have to delete this file and replace it with the WordPress configuration file. It may take a moment to upload the files, but we are now at the final steps!
6. Step
Now call up your domain with https:// and WordPress will guide you through a registration process. Here it is important not to check the lower box for the visibility of the indexed pages. If you would do that, you would make sure that your page can’t be found on Google later on.
If the message came that everything worked, you can always go to https://deinedomain.de/wp-admin and edit your page!