As a website owner, a lot of time and effort goes into your website. A high bounce rate can therefore be frustrating.
What is the Bounce rate?
Bounce rate describes a value that shows how many users entered a website and left it without taking any further action.
The action can be calling up another page of this domain or a download on the entry page. If none of these or similar actions take place, or if the user does not stay longer on the website, he or she consequently bounces.
Reasons can be wrong or insufficient content, too long loading times or misleading page titles.
What can webmasters do about a high bounce rate?
On the part of the webmaster, attention should be paid to unique and informative content. Google and users reward content that solves their problem and answers questions. It is also worth investing in the loading time of the website and meaningful page titles. User-friendliness and page depth also play a major role.
Thematically relevant sub-pages: