A footer is the lower part of a website. It can be used separately from the content of the rest of the website. It can be used separately from the content of the rest of the website, forming the counterpart to the header, the upper part of the website. The intermediate part is the so-called body – the heart of the website. This is where users will find relevant content.
A basic HTML structure can look something like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Titel der Webseite</title>
<!– weitere Kopfinformationen –>
<div class=”header”><ul><li><a href=”https://beispielseite.de/link1″>Menüpunkt 1</a></li></ul></div>
<p>Inhalt der Webseite</p>
<p>Kontakt: <a href=”E-Mail:Mustermann@beispiel.de”>
Use of the footer area
Depending on the industry or company, the footer area is used differently. On the one hand, the footer can be used for links to internal or external pages, on the other hand, most websites include contact, terms and conditions, imprint and the sitemap here.
In the past, footers were used, for example, to set Links for a better Backlink structure. However, Google has devalued these links more and more over the years, so that any misuse is no longer possible.
Thematically relevant sub-pages: