Indexed websites are websites that have been crawled by a (Google-)Crawler and included in the database or (Google-)Index. This means that only indexed websites can be displayed in the search engine results lists.
How indexing works
In order for websites to be included in the index in the first place, they must first be crawled by a search engine crawler. These crawlers or bots jump from link to link and call up a large number of other linked websites. Depending on their relevance, the web pages are evaluated by the search engine, included in the index and thus receive the corresponding ranking. In addition, only those who rank receive organic traffic via the search engine or via the organic search.
Tip for faster indexing: Create a sitemap
For better, faster indexing, an XML sitemap should be created and uploaded via Google Search Console. Also a clear structure within the website as well as internal links usually help the crawler.
The following rules should be followed for fast and comprehensive indexing:
- Use a well thought out website architecture, including coherent internal linking
- Create sitemap and submit via Google Search Console
- Checking for incorrect web pages in Webmaster Tools and cleaning them up if necessary
- Delete orphaned pages or pages with little content
- Regular monitoring of the website, for timely detection of indexing errors
Thematically relevant sub-pages: