Ab dem 5. Juli 2024 wird ein bedeutendes Google-Update in Kraft treten, das Auswirkungen auf die Indexierung von nicht mobilfreundlichen Websites hat.
Von Text zu Video: Suchergebnisse mit Kurzvideos
Google testet und implementiert regelmäßig neue Funktionen, um die Benutzererfahrung zu verbessern und den Anforderungen seiner Nutzer gerecht zu
Conversions vs. Key Events
Bisher wurden wichtige Ereignisse, die in Analytics als Conversions markiert wurden, anders gemessen als die Conversions in Google Ads, was zu
Barrierefreiheit im Netz
Barrierefreiheit im Internet ist ein Thema, das in der digitalen Welt immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt. Ziel der Barrierefreiheit im Netz ist es, allen
Social Media as a Search Engine
Social media platforms have become more than just places to interact with everyone and share information in the current digital era. They have
Integration of social media links into the company profile (formerly: Google My Business)
Recently, social profiles such as LinkedIn or Facebook can be added manually to the Google company profile (formerly: Google My Business). Previously,
Is XING dead for companies?
Why XING will have hardly any user activity by 2025 compared to LinkedIn The dynamic development of social networks and professional platforms has
What should you know about Gen Z regarding Online Marketing?
It is no secret that the Gen Z generation (everyone born in the mid-1990s to the early 2010s) is quite different from other generations. Gen Z is the
Search Engine Optimisation and Content – How long does the text have to be?
A question we often get asked (and rightly so) is: "How long should the text on page XY be in order to rank well?". There are many answers to this