1. Personalization
For the past few years customers became more concerned about their privacy on the internet. However, most of the consumers will not engage in non-personalized marketing.
Imagine going on Netflix and there not being the ‘Recommended for you’ feature, even if you do not end up watching every single movie or TV show on the list, you feel special that this list is only prepared for you.
It is important to safe the data that consumers are willing to give us (preferences, interests, behaviour) and use it for offering optimized products, services and campaigns.
2. Video-Marketing

Nowadays companies have opportunity to upload videos on many social media platforms e.g. Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat etc.
Live videos/streams are gaining more popularity as the companies can use them for either live interviews, showing their products or behind the scenes of how company is functioning.
Another option of Video Marketing is 1:1 video, it is personalized option of marketing as the company sends video with a message instead of calling or sending emails.
3. Micro-Moments
Micro-moments are intent-rich moments when a person turns to a device to act on a need.
The need can be:
- To know
- To go
- To do
- To buy
In order to fully take advantage of micro-moments in 2021, the company has to be where customers are searching for information in the moment.
It can be expected that Customer Journey will be more dynamic and unpredictable as it needs to respond to fast development in consumer desires.
In today’s age, where people spend a lot of time on their mobile devices, people got used to fast satisfaction. Whenever they think or talk about something, they want to find out about the topic more, see more and buy more with just a few clicks of button.
In order to profit out of micro-moments in 2021, the company should firstly identify the consumers ‘I want to buy’ moments, be there in those moments, bring relevant content, simplify the buying process for the consumer and measure everything they can in order to get more information about the consumers.
4. SEO for Voice Search
The number of users that prefer to talk into their search bar instead of typing is increasing. SEO experts explored that voice searches bring in different results than text searches.
It is important that your website is answering the questions that people are asking. It also needs to be considered if there could be multiple answers to your top questions and if it is possible for you to include the answers to the questions on your websites content.
It is crucial to track the queries that people are asking, it is also a good idea to focus on the questions that the company’s competitor is ranking for in order to further the research.
5. Shoppable posts on social media
Due to COVID-19 and many lockdowns, people are spending a lot of time at home and spent a lot of time online shopping and on social media. Therefore, e-commerce and social media both grew rapidly, brands decided to focus more on using the two together and maximizing their profits.
Instagram integrated Instagram Checkout to the app and users can now complete their purchase without leaving the app.
This way the brands are not risking the customer buying the product somewhere else as they do not see any other offers and comparison of prizes from other manufacturers.
The buying process is easy as the brands simply post with the product, users then clink on it and continue to Checkout on Instagram. The consumers are using this feature as they get immediate access they want.