As already mentioned under „Crawler“, cross-linking is the cross-linking of several thematically relevant sub-pages or web pages. The pages that link as well as the page that receives the link benefit from it. The term cross link is equivalent to a Backlink. Cross linking is an important part of search engine optimization and, simply put, means creating links between pages on one’s website.
A clean, high quality cross linking to other content or web pages can have a high impact on the link popularity and therefore on the search engine optimization of the page.
How cross-linking influences search engine optimization
There are a few ways that cross linking can help the search engine optimization of the website. First, it helps search engines crawl the website more easily. When search engine crawlers come across links while crawling a website, they follow those links to the linked pages. This helps them index those pages and increases the likelihood that they will show up in search results.
Second, cross-linking helps improve the link popularity of the website. Link popularity is a measure of how many other websites link to your own website. The more websites link to one’s website, the higher one’s link popularity
Finally, cross-linking helps improve the user experience on the website. When users can easily find the information they’re looking for, they’re more likely to stay on a site longer and return in the future. This not only helps to improve the Bounce rate on the website, but can also lead to more Conversions.
Thematically relevant sub-pages: