It is another update that made an algorithm change to Google’s search engine. It was rolled out in September 2013 and took place on Google’s 15th birthday. This update acted as the basis for the other updates Panda and Penguin.
What has been changed on Google’s part?
The special feature of the update: Google has changed the entire search here, to a semantic indexing or semantic search. With this, Google understands the context between search queries since then. It helps the search engine to analyze the user intention behind the search queries and helps Google to answer more complex questions more quickly and accurately. The name hummingbird therefore comes from a fast as well as precise acting animal.
The Panda Update as well as the Penguin Update mainly made changes to the ranking algorithm, but this is to be understood as part of the search algorithm, which is why the Hummingbird Update formed the primary basis of both updates.
However, this does not invalidate the other previously rolled out Updates. It simply means that the high-quality search results are now displayed to match the question or user intention exactly.
Impact of the Hummingbird Update
Especially spoken search queries are to be improved by Hummingbird. Entire spoken sentences are to be interpreted and therefore even more accurate results are to be output.
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